earnmoneyonlinebiz24.blogspot.com is a community where authors get paid to write articles. Authors that we usually refer to as columnists simply publish their original and unique content on the site and get paid after publish minimum 10 Article.
our writing guidelines.
How blogging works:
* You will be added as a contributor on my site and will write under your name.
you must write must be publish minimum 10 articleto this site(minimu200-300 word each).
All article must be Unique.After publish first 10 article we will send you projects in your email any time and for writing you will get paid
* article must be relate to Earn money online,forex,freelancing etc.
You will do a blog post on Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday (this is my days just incase you are a day ahead or even behind).
* Topics and examples can be given if needed. But I prefer someone who is creative and can come up with their own within the genre that I am in.
* Once you send me the post you need to let me know so I can review it and upload it to the site.
How writing works and you Earn dollar:
* I will give you the topic and examples (usually 2 if I can get that many that I like), I will want you to write fresh from the examples I gave you. If you need more information you will have to do the search yourself.
* All articles must be written in Word and sent to me that way (I have word 2007 so if you have 2010 you need to make sure to save it so I can open it).
How pay works?
First off all material will be ran through a copy program to make sure no plagiarism is made. You also need to run your own grammar and spelling check, as I do not want to spend a lot of time editing your work, as I might as well do it myself in that case.
For writing I will pay a $0.40-$1 an article as long as it is unique enough and does not have a lot of errors in it. If it is not unique enough or has to many errors and I have to send it back to you to fix, I will only pay $0.50-$1 for the article.
When applying you are under the terms that you agree to everything that I have listed and agree to the pay out policies.
Payment method: paypal,alertpay,Moneybookers, etc.
Submit article: valensaxon@gmail.com
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